Installing PayMaster

Create a database in postgresql by calling

createdb paymaster

Then go to the schema directory in paymaster and run this to create the database.

  cd paymaster/schema
  psql -f createschema.sql paymaster
  psql -f initialdata.sql paymaster
  psql -f setsequence.sql paymaster
  psql -f createexception.sql paymaster

To compile PayMaster you need to have scons installed. Go into the paymaster/src directory and type scons. You’ll need gtk-2.4, bonddb, bond, libxml-2.0 and postgresql-dev installed or else it will complain. A common mistake/problem is not copying the bond.pc and bonddb.pc files in /usr/lib/pkgconfig.

The bondfrontend.conf needs to be modified to the correct directory locations and login and password. At the top of the paymaster.xml file is the location for the DTD file. You need to change this directory to point to the DTD file bond-2.0.dtd in your bond directory. Or you could turn of DTD validation in the bondfrontend.conf

The bondfrontend.conf file contains information on where to find the paymaster.xml file and what database to connect. You’ll need to set up a valid username + password + host in order to connect to paymaster. You need to modify the bondxml line in the config file to show the correct file location of paymaster.xml.

PayMaster uses bondfrontend to run. In the paymaster/src directory and run bondfrontend:


The employee screen should come up. You should be able to add some employees without any problems and set their pay rates. A taxcode and tax number is required for the record to be able to be saved, but you can enter any random number in this field and it will only warn you.